Most importantly VATSIM members from around the globe are coming together for this exceptional conference and the chance to catch up with old and new friends within our community... but who is coming you still ask, amongst all these people will be: VATSIM Founders including Roland Collins |
VATSIM Board of Governors including Steven Cullen, Peter Nielsen, Luca Benelli, Norman Blackburn, Kyle Ramsey and Jeff Turner |
VATSIM Executive Committee including Nic Felini (North America Regional Director), Apostolos Damkalis (Europe Regional Director), Mark Richards (Oceania Regional Director) |
Regional Staff including Stephan Reitinger (Deputy Regional Director - Europe) and Christopher Marakis (VATEUR3). |
Division Staff including George Condes (VATEUD1-Europe Division Director), Daniel Conrad (VATEUD6), Cathy Mariani (VATEUD5), Georg Lauenstein (VATEUD12 - Assistant Training Director EUD Division) and more |
VATSIM vACC/vARTCC Staff including Andreas Fuchs (Germany vACC Director), and Sascha Fruehwirth, Soichiro Abe (Austrian vACC Staff) Daniel Gomes (Portugal vACC Director), Jose Pereira (Portugal vACC Staff-Santa Maria FIR Director), Cathy Mariani (Belux vACC - ATC Training), Zsolt Daniel (Director VACC Hungary), Tamas Galyassy (VACC Hungary) and more. |
Network Supervisors including Jeff Turner (Vice President-Supervisors), Brian Prior (Senior Supervisor) |
Florian Harms, Kyprianos Biris, Terry Scanlan, and other members of the community well-known from their many years in previous VATSIM roles. |
Gergely Csernak developer of EuroScope |
Michal Rok developer of Vroute |
Aerosoft CEO Winfried Diekmann, representatives from Flight1 Software , Sky Blue Radio and many more from industry. |